Read more about the article Business AI for SMB’s: How To Compete With Amazon Using RemixAutoML
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Business AI for SMB’s: How To Compete With Amazon Using RemixAutoML

The modern business world is captivated by data science and analytics. It seems like in almost every enterprise there is talk of needing to bulk up the data science and…

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Read more about the article Why Machine Learning is more Practical than Econometrics in the Real World
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Why Machine Learning is more Practical than Econometrics in the Real World

Motivation I’ve read several studies and articles that claim Econometric models are still superior to machine learning when it comes to forecasting. In the article, “Statistical and Machine Learning forecasting methods:…

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Read more about the article Build Thousands of Automated Demand Forecasts in 15 Minutes Using AutoCatBoostCARMA in R
Parked green sports car

Build Thousands of Automated Demand Forecasts in 15 Minutes Using AutoCatBoostCARMA in R

Over 20% of Amazon’s North American retail revenue can be attributed to customers who first tried to buy the product at a local store but found it out-of-stock, according to…

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Read more about the article The Easiest Way to Create Thresholds And Improve Your Classification Model
Utility maximizer threshold three dimensional graph

The Easiest Way to Create Thresholds And Improve Your Classification Model

You’d be surprised at how many data scientists don’t know how to turn their probabilities into class labels. Often times they will just go with 50% as the cutoff without…

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